Mayo Clinic 1,200-Calorie, Low- Carb Diet Meal Plan July 2017.Easy Weight Loss

Note:Please read deeply till END. This plan is also good for Diabetic and Heart patients,Plan is tested on many peoples results were awesome... We hop you will share this Diet Link on your Facebook timeline to save this page for yourself and to help your Friends and Family. To get Daily Updates Please Like and Follow Our Facebook page ,go on this link ( Health TIPS Forever ) Maximize your weight loss by following a low-calorie, low-carbohydrate meal plan. Set at 1,200 calories and under 25 grams of carbs per meal, this plan is considered very low-calorie and moderately low-carbohydrate. It's important you eat at least 1,200 calories per day in order to support your body's basic metabolic needs. A tablespoon of oil or butter contains up to 120 calories, calories you cannot afford to add if you are sticking to the 1,200 calorie plan. It has everything you need to create the 1,200 calorie meal plan. An online calorie counter and reading food labels ...